All novels are available as hard or soft copies for purchase directly from the author.

Elizabeth Cain will autograph your book(s) at no additional charge. To purchase books from other sources, please do so from each book’s page.

See pricing, shipping info, and order form below. Discounts for multiple copies (any combination of titles) below.

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Soft Cover Books:  $14.99 – $19.99
(free shipping for one, a second book (the cheaper one) free, plus $4 shipping for both books)

Hard Cover Books:  $18 – $22
(this is under list price. If interested in buy one get one free with $5 shipping for two books, you must pay list price for the first one)

Eight or more copies of soft covers (book clubs receive study questions with any of the novels):  $12 – $16
(plus a small percentage of the shipping cost)

Hard cover with photos – they call me Sunny:  $15, plus $3 shipping;
two copies, only $3 shipping