Once to Every Man

Once to Every Man

from $9.00

About the book:

The lives of three diverse protagonists, the young daughter of white missionaries from the United States, a white photo-journalist from England and a black native African, evolve in the political turmoil of the fifties and sixties in Tanganyika. Why they are in that country and what they seek personally, unrelated in the beginning, becomes increasingly dependent on and resolvable only inside their surprising and complex relationship. Spiritual, racial and cultural barriers threaten and divide them, but there is one thing between them that cannot be shaken and brings them to the harrowing edge of every choice they have made and every tenet they have believed. Their journey takes them through the wild savannahs and forests of East Africa to England and the United States and ultimately ends in 1985 in Dar es Salaam, where in Part Two they are reconciled in their long search for a “haven of peace.”


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